Echuca Moama & District Tourism Development Association Inc is a member association.
Our key roles are to stimulate visitation to Echuca Moama & Districts and support our members. We are a not-for-profit organisation funded by membership fees, revenue-generating services, and support from local governments.
Over the last year, EMT has defined a strategy for the organisation as a Destination Management Organisation (DMO). We have completed a Membership Review, a trial Concierge service of face-to-face support for accommodation operators and developed a range of Member services from digital marketing to reservation system assistance.
Launched multi-sector visitor holiday sales packages, engaged an agency to deliver ‘always-on’ marketing and campaigns, designed a hub and spoke model to deliver accredited visitor services across multiple towns of Campaspe and Murray River Shires.
Completed economic modelling for funding of the Association, identified future funding initiatives to build a sustainable market, and commenced development of a destination management plan to guide brand and marketing, industry development, and events.
Our commitment to you and all members is to deliver our five pillars of responsibility to drive value, and deliver value. With the introduction of our revised member program, we are on track to launch the DMO on 1 July 2023 and reset the future as Destination Echuca Moama!
We welcome your membership. We value your partnership. We are better together.
Our renewed membership model includes streamlined member categories and an extensive list of member benefits. This prospectus outlines automatic benefits for each member category as well as optional, add-on fee-based services, and opportunities to participate in destination marketing and cooperative marketing, and significant district-wide destination marketing themes, and tactics. Our vision is to integrate all members, from every membership category, and across all industry sectors, in an annual plan with a compelling proposition to drive visitation, and exceptional visitor experience.
Echuca Moama Tourism is excited about the range of member benefits, and how we work together to grow visitation. We seek to deliver value to you and to all members, to support you to generate higher yield, drive visitation, achieve increased visitors, captivate travellers for extended stays, increase visitor spending, and ensure a sustainable visitor economy for the benefit all members, industry, and local communities.